
Ceridwen Indigenous Scholarship

Ceridwen Indigenous Scholarship

Australia 30 Aug 2021
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

State University, Browse similar opportunities


Total reward
0 $
State University
Host Country
30 Aug 2021
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


The aim of the scholarship is to assist students or scholars undertaking study or research that will serve to benefit Indigenous (Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander) children in Australia.

This is to be interpreted broadly and encompasses undergraduate and postgraduate study as well as pure and applied research. It includes such subject areas as Indigenous:

  • health,
  • education
  • housing
  • community planning and design
  • quality of lifestyle.

The value of the scholarship will be at least $3,500 but will be limited to the annual income from the fund.

The amount of the award and the number of scholarships awarded varies on an annual basis.


The scholarship is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students in the School of Architecture or the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the area of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management who are pursuing study or research in relation to Indigenous Australia.

In making its recommendation, the selection committee shall take into account:

  • the academic merit or technical excellence of the applicant and their work, and
  • the meritous performance, actual contribution or likely contribution the applicant has made or will make (directly or indirectly) to the benefit of Indigenous children in Australia.

How to apply

Applications should:

  • describe in writing how the recipient's study or research will fulfil the aims of the scholarship
  • outline how the scholarship will be used to further their study or research during the duration of their university course
  • include a program of study, work and travel. 

Please complete the online application form by 5.00pm on the due date.

Applicants will be notified in writing of their success or non-success by the School of Architecture.

Selection criteria

The selection committee, in making its recommendation, shall take into account:

(a) the academic merit or technical excellence of the applicant and their work; and
(b) the meritorious performance, actual contribution or likely contribution which the applicant has made or will make, either directly or indirectly to the benefit of Indigenous children in Australia.


School of Architecture

Scholarship value : At least $3,500 but limited to the annual income from the fund

Number awarded : 1

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