You will receive a monthly allowance of 1,516 Swiss Francs.
(However, that the cost of living in Geneva is high and this allowance is just a compliment. You should have adequate financial resources to support yourself in the local area).
In order to qualify for a place on the program you will need to meet the following requirements:
You are a full-time student at the undergraduate (post-secondary) level and are at least 18 years of age.
Please note that candidates who are currently studying for a PhD are not eligible for this program.
Your main field of study is in one of the following areas: applied physics, computing, mathematics, electricity, electronics, mechanical or civil engineering, instrumentation, materials science, radiation protection, safety and environmental protection, surveying, ultra-high vacuum, scientific communication. A very limited number of places may be available in administrative fields such as translation, advanced secretarial work, accounting, legal services, human resources, librarianship, logistics.
Your work at CERN must be an obligatory or recommended part of your studies.
You will be returning to your educational establishment after completion of your stay at CERN.
You have a good knowledge of English and/or French.
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