
Fully Funded Scholarships at Warwick School of Engineering

Fully Funded Scholarships at Warwick School of Engineering

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جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

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المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
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جميع المناطق

Apply for the Fully Funded Scholarships at Warwick School of Engineering. The deadline for the application is ongoing. The scholarship is for Ph.D. degree and the name of the scholarship is Warwick School of Engineering PhD International Studentships in Pharmacometric Modelling.

The project:

Advancements in the field of oncology are rapidly changing the life expectancy of patients across many cancers. Therapeutic interventions are gradually shifting, from short intermittent cycles of cytotoxic drugs administered to large populations until progression or death, to the life-long chronic treatment of combinations of targeted and/or immunomodulating molecules in smaller populations. These advances raise several challenges in oncology drug development.




Provider: Warwick School of Engineering

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