
IBM Undergraduate Internship in the United States

IBM Undergraduate Internship in the United States

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جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

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IBM calls application undergraduate internship in Quantum Computing Developer in New York, United States. IBM Q is an industry-first initiative to build universal quantum computers for business, engineering, and science. The IBM Q team is recruiting software developers, user experience designers, and community builders who will help advance the field of quantum computing and explore applications to make quantum computing broadly,usable and accessible.


During this IBM undergraduate internship, candidates will


Basically, summer 2020 interns will work out of the IBM Research lab in Yorktown Heights, New York for up to twelve weeks from June through August (housing or housing stipend, transportation, and some meals will be provided). Candidates will have an opportunity to discuss specific timing and academic calendars as part of the application process. Depending on the role, some travel may be involved in IBM Q Network and IBM Q Community events such as Qiskit Camp.

Basically, they will work with a team of researchers, engineers, and other developers, designers, and community builders to drive research and development of the industry’s most advanced quantum computing hardware and software and advance the entire quantum computing technology stack by exploring applications to make quantum computing broadly,usable and accessible. IBM Q interns will also have the opportunity to focus on experiments, theory, software, or community building. Areas of development could include quantum software architecture, quantum algorithms, quantum software development, quantum community building, and quantum user experience design (among other areas).


About IBM

IBM (International Business Machine) Corporation is an American multinational information technology company with headquarter in Armonk, New York. Moreover,  IBM produces and sells computer hardware, middleware, and software, and provides hosting and consulting services in areas ranging from mainframe computers to nanotechnology. On the other hand, IBM is also a major research organization. It holds the record for most U.S. patents generated by a business (as of 2019) for 26 consecutive years. Altogether, IBM operates in 170 countries.

Provider: IBM

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