
Nokia Bell Labs Prize 2024 (prize up to $100,000)

Nokia Bell Labs Prize 2024 (prize up to $100,000)

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جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

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المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
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Application calls for Nokia Bell Labs Prize 2020. It is looking for impactful ideas that have the potential to change the way we live, work and communicate with each other. The Prize is both a highly prestigious innovation award and a means to collaborate with the world-renowned Bell Labs.

What is Nokia Bell Labs Prize?

The Bell Labs Prize is a competition for innovators from participating countries around the globe that seeks to recognize proposals that ‘change the game’ in the field of information and communications technologies by a factor of 10, and also, provides selected innovators the unique opportunity to collaborate with Bell Labs researchers to help realize their vision.

Why Nokia Bell Labs Prize?

Bell Labs awards the top three candidates with very handsome cash prizes.

In addition to cash prizes, all three winners are also considered for the unique opportunity to work within the world-renowned Bell Labs to further explore their ideas, following the end of the competition. The cash prizes are

Who can apply?

Nokia Bell Labs welcomes applications from innovators from participating countries around the globe. This is the right platform for candidates sho have a 10x game-changing idea and are interested in developing it with leading Bell Labs researchers.

How does it work?

Nokia Bells Lab receives hundreds of applications for this program every year. From the stacks of applications, the selection panel will shortlist five finalists to compete for three prizes at an autumn event each year. The competition will be in front of a panel of renowned experts and industry leaders.

Click this link for more information.

Provider: Nokia Bell Labs

Related keywords : awards 2020, competitions, competitions 2020, competitions and awards, competitions in 2020, international awards, international competitions, opportunities, opportunities for students, opportunities for young leaders, opportunities for youths,

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