
Savvy Fellowship Program 2024

Savvy Fellowship Program 2024

فرصة منح

فرصة منح

جمعية, تصفح الفرص المماثلة

تفاصيل الفرصة

المكافأة الإجمالية
0 $
آخر موعد للتقديم
المستوى التعليمي
نوع الفرصة
تمويل الفرصة
تمويل كامل
الدول المؤهلة
هذه الفرصة متوفرة لجميع البلدان
المنطقة المؤهلة
جميع المناطق

Applications call for Savvy Fellowship Program for Aspiring and Early-Stage Entrepreneurs.

Are you passionate about solving some of Africas most pressing problems through innovation? Have you ever wanted to build your own impact-driven business, but didnt know how to? Do you own an early-stage business and you want to grow and scale your impact into new markets or verticals? Then, Savvy Fellowship is looking for you. Savvy is a virtual Fellowship program for aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs.

Learning Outcomes

Savvy is 12 weeks of e-learning and assessment. Candidates will learn everything from ideation to scaling. At the end of the program, they will learn how to:



Savvy is for everyone because without any ethnic restriction. Savvy Fellowship accepts new Fellows between the ages of 18 40.

Apply Now

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