Build together a challenging & rewarding experience
Work & learn from experts of the business
Develop your flair and knowledge in our unique culture
Grow your network of like-minded interns and professionals
Undergraduate internships: Their interns are sought after for an assortment of functions and can benefit from learning beyond the classroom when they gain hands-on experience with the world’s leading beverage company.
Graduate Internships: MBA and graduate interns are expected to contribute to the success of The Coca-Cola Company through innovative ideas and value creation gained both in school and through previous work experience. Based on successful performance and the talent needs of their business, few interns may have the opportunity to become full-time Coca-Cola employees.
Opportunities vary from country to country – in some locations, internships are aimed at undergraduate students and, in others, at graduates and young people with the right work experience.
Eligible Regions: Open for all
Application Process
Apply online through the given link.
For further information please visit their official website.
هذه ليست الصفحة الرسمية لهذه المنحة الدراسية. هذه الصفحة تلخص العرض المقدم . بينما نحن نسعى للحفاظ على المعلومات موثوقة وصحيحة، كما قد تتغير المعلومات في أي وقت دون إشعار. للحصول على معلومات كاملة ومحدثة، يرجى الرجوع دائما إلى الموقع الرسمي للمزود المنح الدراسية. أي تحسب منك على أن على المعلومات من بشكل صارم فهي على مسؤوليتك الخاصة ..