esearches can be done on social sciences, humanities and sciences. Applicants are required to state the specific research topic in the application. However, research proposals that have been conducted previously by the applicant or the advisor will not be accepted.
The applicant must be under 45 years old as of application date (preferably),
PhD students must be enrolled at a university doctoral program abroad and being at the dissertation stage.
 PhD diploma for PhD holders,
–IF personal data will be collected with methods such as experiment, survey, focus group discussion, practice, having the “Ethics Committee Approval Certificate†from the Ethics Committee of the university;
–IF a study will be carried out on historical monuments and archaeological sites with non-public information, documents from institutions and organizations, having “Legal Permit†taken from a related governmental institution
Eligible Regions: Open for all.
Application Process
Apply online through the given link.
To get more exciting opportunities like this, at your fingertips, install the Youth Opportunities Mobile App here.
Application Deadline: December 30, 2018 (23 Days Remaining)
هذه ليست الصفحة الرسمية لهذه المنحة الدراسية. هذه الصفحة تلخص العرض المقدم . بينما نحن نسعى للحفاظ على المعلومات موثوقة وصحيحة، كما قد تتغير المعلومات في أي وقت دون إشعار. للحصول على معلومات كاملة ومحدثة، يرجى الرجوع دائما إلى الموقع الرسمي للمزود المنح الدراسية. أي تحسب منك على أن على المعلومات من بشكل صارم فهي على مسؤوليتك الخاصة ..