Water Innovation Labs develop future water leaders to think holistically, design innovatively, and communicate effectively across cultures. By uniting young researchers, innovators, inventors, and entrepreneurs, WIL creates a platform to build new relationships, accelerate knowledge sharing, build transferable leadership skills, and co-develop potential solutions to water challenges across the globe.
WIL is an opportunity to venture into the wild, offering inter-generational and cross-sectoral learning for an ‘on the ground’ level of collaboration between young leaders, mentors, and facilitators. You will connect directly with visionary resource experts in water treatment technologies, policy development, and community level water management who will share their global knowledge in the water sector. Wherever in the world, there is water, WIL exists to cultivate an unparalleled experience with facilitators and mentors that speak to each unique landscape. Our labs offer dynamic programming and challenge to ignite passion and spark innovative ideas and new skills to approach the future of water.
In the 21st century, water will be the marker of how countries flourish or fail. WIL is a transformative opportunity to expand your thinking with a tangible experience of water projects and observing challenges firsthand.
Everything about WIL is designed to bring to the surface new thinking and solutions that can be implemented once you return to your place of work. Bottom line: you will leave the program with invaluable new connections you can turn to in the years ahead. Furthermore, you will experience an unforgettable learning environment and opportunity for hands-on practice, helping you to embed your new skills and insights developed at the Lab. Oh, and by the way, you’ll have a blast!
Are you 20-35 years old, passionate about water?
Are you a graduate student, young professional or community leader with a focus on water?
Do you have a water project, business idea, or artistic intervention that you would like to develop?
Do you want to build your leadership skills and techniques around collaborative innovation*?
Do you want to work alongside peers and industry experts and mentors to find solutions to challenging water problems and build an incredible global network?
هذه ليست الصفحة الرسمية لهذه المنحة الدراسية. هذه الصفحة تلخص العرض المقدم . بينما نحن نسعى للحفاظ على المعلومات موثوقة وصحيحة، كما قد تتغير المعلومات في أي وقت دون إشعار. للحصول على معلومات كاملة ومحدثة، يرجى الرجوع دائما إلى الموقع الرسمي للمزود المنح الدراسية. أي تحسب منك على أن على المعلومات من mina7portal.com بشكل صارم فهي على مسؤوليتك الخاصة ..