
Contests in NIGERIA


Competitions and prizes 2025
Mina7, publishes many competitions and awards for the year 2024-2025 for all ages, talents and categories, which are all free or partial competitions.

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Cultural competitions , 2024 Job Competition , 2024 Recruitment Competition , Free online competitions , real cash prizes , Online competition and free prizes to win , Free online competition to win .


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International Breweries Foundation Kickstart Program 2024

The International Breweries foundation is an arm of International Breweries Plc. With the objective of delivering impactful, developmental and sustainable projects. Kickstart is an initiative of the International Breweries Foundation that focuses on enterprise growth and development for young entrepreneurs. Moreover, Kickstart is an African initiative of the AB InBev group the program hitherto has been successfully implemented in South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Tanzania. Further1 ...

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