
Contests in Norway


Competitions and prizes 2025
Mina7, publishes many competitions and awards for the year 2024-2025 for all ages, talents and categories, which are all free or partial competitions.

see also prizes 2025

Cultural competitions , 2024 Job Competition , 2024 Recruitment Competition , Free online competitions , real cash prizes , Online competition and free prizes to win , Free online competition to win .


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Application Open for ISFiT Ambassador in Norway

Application Open for ISFiT Ambassador in Norway ISFiT is short for the “International Student Festival in Trondheim”. What the name does not say, is that ISFiT is also the world’s largest international student festival. ISFiT is a non-profit organization and is brought to life with the efforts of more than 400 student volunteers. The vision of ISFiT is to create a better future for young people in the world. ISFiT is arranged every other year, and each festival has a theme related to social and1 ...

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