
PhD in France


The doctorate is the highest university degree in a specific discipline given by universities to students, at the end the student obtains the title of a doctor in the speciality he has studied, therefore is authorized to teach officially in universities. Before applying for a doctorate, the student must have with him/her a master's degree that prepares him/her in his/her field of specialization. 
There is the PHD - Doctor of Economic Science - Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Mathematics.
This page presents a list of doctoral scholarships 2025 - 2026, thesis proposals, as well as articles related to how to finance its doctorate either in France, Switzerland, or Germany, the Eiffel Doctoral Scholarships.

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French Scholarships for International Students
These French scholarships for international students include Internships, Fellowships, Grants, Fully Funded Scholarships, Tuition waivers for Undergraduates, Masters, Ph.D. Students from around the world.
therefore, if you are searching for any of the following opportunities to study in France scholarship just scroll down these links.

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Postdoctoral contract in Management and Management Sciences 2025-2026

Presentation of the tablissement: The University of Paris-Saclay (www.universite-paris-saclay.fr) is one of the best French and European universities, in the view of the quality of their training and employee corps, for visibility and International registration of 275 laboratories And others are equipped, as if by the attention apportée, at the same time and by all of these personnel, to the accueil, the accompagnement, the interculturalité and the épanouissement of ses 65,1 ...

Visiting Fellowship Program for Early Career Researchers in France

France, as a major player in the fight against climate change and guarantor of the spirit of the Paris Agreement, is launching a new MOPGA visiting fellowship program geared towards strengthening scientific contributions to climate change issues raised by the COPs.  This eighth Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) call for applications is intended to welcome at least 60 early career researchers wishing to carry out their research in France. The program is funded by the French Min1 ...

Les bourses offertes par le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation Français.

Scholarships offered by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation Depending on their nationality or status, certain foreign students can also request assistance from the French Ministry of Higher Education, in the form of travel grants, means-tested scholarships and financial assistance for doctoral studies. For further information, visit the website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. ...

French Ministry of Higher Education Scholarships

Award or Grant Description $$  various The French Ministry of Higher education and Research also awards scholarships to some foreign students, based on social criteria. To be eligible, students must have been residing in France for at least two years and be paying taxes in France. The Ministry also finances doctoral contracts managed by the Doctoral schools. In France, public research is split between institutes of higher education and public organisations such as the CNRS (National Centre for1 ...

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