
Volunteer Work in Germany

Volunteer Work:

Volunteer work, volunteer travel and volunteer opportunities around the world, volunteer work in schools, volunteer work in Morocco, volunteer work in school, volunteer work in Europe, volunteer work, volunteer work 2025

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Pursue your bachelor's, master's or doctoral degree at one of Germany's prestigious universities such as Hamburg Universität, Heinz Kühn, Hamburg Institute for Social Research, and more. Apply for scholarships made for international students like the DAAD Scholarships; fully funded scholarships that cover all tuition and travel costs, plus a monthly salary. Not looking for a degree? Find other opportunities in Germany such as technical residencies and training courses, all at little or no cost to you.

courses 2024 , fully funded scholarships 2024 , Fully funded free scholarships in Germany , DAAD Scholarships 2024-2025 , Traveling to Germany , Vocational training in Germany , graduate scholarship , SBW Berlin Scholarship 2024 .


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Volunteering in Witten: Inclusive Café and projects for families 2024

Date start: 15 Nov 2024 Date end: 15 Nov 2025The mission of MEISTERWERK MENSCH e. V. is to raise awareness for the rights of people with disabilities and to improve their conditions of taking part in cultural, social and economic settings. One main activity is the "Familiencafé KrümelReich", a place where parents with children can have a relaxed time, meet other families, have coffee and cake. It's a place where activities for the whole family take place: a toddler group, crafting with diffe1 ...

Volunteering in Steyerberg: Water management 2024

Date start: 26 Aug 2024 Date end: 09 Sep 2024The Permaculture park Steyerberg in Germany invites you to the summercamp „Water management“! We want to activate young adults from all over Europe for permaculture, sustainable food production and environmental protection. In two weeks during summer you will camp in the gardens of Permaculture park Steyerberg and learn about water management in theory and practise. You will meet up to 15 international volunteers and join the associated Ecovillage1 ...

Volunteering in Buchholz: Join our team as a volunteer! - Die Quäker-Häuser gGmbH 2025

Date start: 01 Apr 2025 Date end: 31 May 2026"Die Quäker-Häuser gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für soziale Arbeit mbH" is a free and non-profit youth care facility with its HQ in Buchholz, Lower Saxony. Through our 100 employees we provide a wide range of support for children, teens, young adults and parents such as consultations on educational topics, support to raise the children appropriate despite many personal oder structural obstacles. In Holm-Seppensen (part of the city of Buchholz) we ha1 ...

Volunteering in Wilhelmshaven: Schule an der Deichbrücke (educational day care centre) 2024

Date start: 01 Sep 2024 Date end: 31 Aug 2025The "Schule an der Deichbrücke" is a state-recognized education institution for children with disabilities. The focus of the daily work is to prepare the 112 pupils for their future life. The pupils complete their compulsory schooling of 12 years in small groups. This enables focus on the individual promotion of personal strengths and competences as well as a practical school education. In the final grades, the young people are becoming prepared f1 ...

Volunteering in Wilhelmshaven: Wohnverbund Soziale Psychiatrie (assisted living groups) 2024

Date start: 01 Sep 2024 Date end: 31 Aug 2025The guiding principle at the "Wohnverbund Soziale Psychiatrie" (Social Psychiatry Housing) is to offer every person with mental impairments the time to stabilize and grow a perspective to move on. The staff members always offer an open ear, advise and support and promote motivation to become active, but also respect the limits of each individual within the group. Your place of employment is inpatient assisted living - clients are intensively accom1 ...

Volunteering in Kodersdorf: Youth work in the local school club-YMCA Kodersdorf 2024

Date start: 01 Aug 2024 Date end: 31 Jul 2025Our Organisation, the YMCA Kodersdorf e.V. is a small Christian organization in Kodersdorf, near Görlitz. We are running a school club at the local school with students aged between 10 to 16 years. Our purpose is to create a place for students where they are enabled to be themselves and to grow in their personalities and talents. Further, we want to meet them with God´s love and give them the opportunity to get to know Christianity. Our work has d1 ...

Volunteering in Görlitz: To make something on one`s life-Lebenshof Ludwigsdorf 2024

Date start: 01 Aug 2024 Date end: 31 Jul 2025The goal of the Lebenshof project is to empower young people with fewer opportunities so that after a proper period of time they can take control and responsibility for their lives and have a future with perspective and the same opportunities as their agemates. Our offer is a combination of school and practical training called “Produktionsschule”. In this work, we involve the volunteers. The volunteer is involved in the educational work and suppor1 ...

Volunteering in Görlitz: Christian child and youth work around Görlitz/Germany 2024

Date start: 01 Aug 2024 Date end: 31 Jul 2025The work of the esta e.V., a Christian youth association, is related to Germany’s most easterly town, Görlitz, with 60.000 inhabitants. The geographical location is characterized by the triangle of Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. The focus of the work of the association: - developing programs and services that empower young people and their communities to take increased responsibilities - organizing programs that work towards encouraging y1 ...

Volunteering in Görlitz: Christian Primary School in Görlitz 2024

Date start: 01 Aug 2024 Date end: 31 Jul 2025The Dietrich-Heise-Schule is an independent Protestant primary school. Children being between 6 - 10 are educated in an environment created by Christian colleagues. The volunteers get their main class, where they work until lunch-time supporting the teacher and helping the pupils who need special care. The School has a polish partner school so there are weekly meetings between the pupils of the schools. During these meetings the children work in T1 ...

Volunteering in Görlitz: After school nursery of the christian primary school in Görlitz 2024

Date start: 01 Aug 2024 Date end: 31 Jul 2025Our “Hort” is an after-school center which is an additional offer for families, who need daily care for the children after the lessons until 5 pm and even during holidays (9 am-4 pm). The ”Hort” is located in the school building of the Christian Primary School. We offer 40 places, two of them are for children with disabilities e.g. down syndrome. We are an experienced and qualified team supervising at all times. The daily routine begins with takin1 ...

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