
The Orwell Society/NUJ Young Journalist’s Award 2024

The Orwell Society/NUJ Young Journalist’s Award 2024

Algeria 31 Oct 2024
The Orwell Society

The Orwell Society

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31 Oct 2024
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Submit an application for The Orwell Society/NUJ Young Journalist’s Award 2024, which grants a £1,000 award to the winners of the two categories (reviews and columns). Every winner will also earn a membership in NUJ. The £500 reward for each category’s runner-up goes to. The Orwell Society will also grant free membership to the winners and runners-up for a period of three years.

Among the greatest authors of the 20th century was George Orwell. In addition to writing Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, he is also credited with some of the best journalism ever done. Notably, he belonged to the National Union of Journalists (NUJ), and publications focusing on his life and contributions have featured a copy of his membership card. The photograph is used on this website specifically to highlight the Young Journalist’s Award, thanks to permission from UCL Library, Special Collections and The Orwell Estate. In addition to honouring Orwell’s legacy, the esteemed UK-wide Young Journalist’s Award provides aspiring journalists with a fantastic platform to expand their professional networks, portfolios, CVs, and profiles.

The judges will not provide feedback to entrants, except to the winners and runners-up. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. All entries are anonymised for judging.


  • Subject Knowledge (25%) – Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of the chosen subject. Attention to details which are both valid and relevant such as terms/concepts, theories, events, people, contexts and information. Depth and range of research and comprehension indicated by judicious incorporation of facts/quotes and pertinent definitions/explanations.
  • Intellectual Skills (25%) – Ability to articulate a clear and compelling position through cogent and coherent argumentation. Analysis and evaluation rather than mere description. Questioning and critical thinking rather than assumptions and platitudes. Overall command and synthesis of ideas and reasoning.
  • Subject-Specific Skills (25%) – Substantiation of points and arguments by reference to relevant examples. Marshalling of evidence to illustrate and illuminate. Credible sources and underpinnings rather than dubious claims and unsupported opinion.
  • Transferrable Skills (25%) – Standard of language usage (including grammar, punctuation, spelling and diction) as well as writing style (including expression, clarity, fluency and power). Structure supporting logical and methodical progression. Adherence to the specified word count and form of journalism.


  • Exceptional: 80%+
  • Excellent: 70-79%
  • Very good: 60-69%
  • Good: 50-59%
  • Basic: 40-49%
  • Insufficient: 0-39%

Benefits of the Orwell Society/NUJ Young Journalist’s Award

  • A prize of £1,000 for each winner of the two categories: columns and reviews.
  • In addition, each winner will receive an NUJ membership.
  • The runner-up in each category will receive a prize of £500.
  • Winners and runners-up will also receive a three-year free membership of The Orwell Society.


You are eligible to enter if you are:

  • a student journalist (i.e. a university undergraduate, post-graduate or a vocational trainee) or
  • currently employed or self-employed as a journalist
  • and in both cases, your date of birth falls in or after 1994 and you are a full-time resident in the UK.

Eligible Regions: Open for All (A full-time resident in the UK).

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