
Mass Communication and Society Top Paper Awards

Mass Communication and Society Top Paper Awards

Texas State University

Texas State University

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A Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), the Mass Communication and Society (MCS) offers Top Paper Awards for three research paper competitions. All MCS research submissions, regardless of faculty or student authorship, are judged together as general papers, though the top papers in the Open and Student categories are recognized separately. Student Competition: Graduate students may submit original research regarding any topic related to mass communication and society. All authors must be students - a faculty member as a co-author automatically moves the paper to the Open Competition. Moeller Student Paper Competition: A paper written for a class during the previous year is eligible for nomination for the Mass Communication and Society Moeller Student Paper Competition; the nomination must come from the faculty member who taught the class. Open Competition: All other papers submitted to the Division will be reviewed in the Open Competition. At least one author of each winning paper is asked to attend the MCS Awards Luncheon to receive their awards.

Discipline: Visual and Performing Arts

Eligibility: Applicants must: be students to qualify for the student paper competition be nominated by a faculty member to qualify for the Moeller competition

Academic level: Masters, Doctoral, Postdoctoral


Award amount:

Award category: Prize or Competition

Award cycle: Annual


Contact: Dr. Weirui Wang Awards Chair weirwang@fiu.edu

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