
LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2023

LensCulture Black & White Photography Awards 2023

Algeria 31 Oct 2024


Nonprofit organization, Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
Host Country
31 Oct 2024
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Not funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions

Posted on 15 September 2023

18 October 2023

Who may enter
The competition is open to all photographers over the age of 18.

Short description

The competition is organized by the LensCulture, a photography magazine based in Netherlands.

"" The competition is open to all types of B&W photography: fine art, experimental, fiction, documentary, visual storytelling, portraits, landscapes, staged/constructed, street, mixed media, alternative processes, conceptual.

You may submit a single photos or series (in this case, your submission should work as a group, thematically or aesthetically).

Entry fees
You may submit one photo for free ($10 for each additional photo).
5 single-image entries, judged individually (not as a series): $35
Max 10 photographs, judged as a series: $45

$10,000 in cash awards.

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.

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