
Art on Climate International Illustration Competition 2024

Art on Climate International Illustration Competition 2024

Algeria 03 Nov 2024
Art on Climate

Art on Climate

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03 Nov 2024
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The Art on Climate” International Illustration Competition 2024 is now inviting talented illustrators to craft artworks that address the theme of climate change. The competition seeks to act as a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and practical solutions to address climate change, and to inspire the public to proactively make a change in their daily life in response to the global challenge.

Organised by Fingertips Company Limited and sponsored by Allianz Global Investors (AllianzGI), Art on Climate” is a worldwide illustration competition designed to bring greater awareness of effective approaches for combating climate change.

Initially launched in Spain in 2019, the Art on Climate” competition expanded its reach to the Asia-Pacific region in 2021 and the global world in 2022. The 2023 campaign has drawn tremendous participation, with over 1,600 illustrators from more than 100 locations submitting over 2,800 remarkable artworks. This year, the competition continues its footprints in the Asia-Pacific region, inviting established illustrators and aspiring students to demonstrate their skills and creativity, with the goal to amplify global awareness and inspire meaningful actions on climate change.

Theme of the International Illustration Competition 2024  : Climate Change

Participants are invited to submit original works on the theme of climate change”. Participants should draw inspiration from one or more of the following topics as a starting point of their artworks:


  1. Building resilient communities for climate change
    As the impacts of climate change intensify, it is crucial to empower communities to adapt and withstand the associated risks. Building resilient communities not only prepares us for the immediate impacts of climate change but also equips us to navigate the uncertainty ahead.
  2. Defining planetary boundaries
    It is crucial to define the environmental limits within which humanity must operate to ensure the continued stability and health of our planet. By identifying and respecting these boundaries, we can take responsible actions to prevent irreversible damage to ecosystems and the climate.
  3. Fostering inclusive capitalism
    It seeks to create a just and sustainable society by placing equal emphasis on both financial returns and social impact. This approach encourages businesses and investors to prioritise long-term value creation, environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. By embracing inclusive capitalism, we can foster a more inclusive and equal future.
  4. Embracing innovate solutions with technology
    Technological innovation plays a pivotal role in driving sustainability and addressing the urgent challenges posed by climate change. With the help of advanced technology, we can inspire others to proactively make a change in our daily life practices and shape a better future.
  5. Combating climate change with collective action
    Collective action against climate change requires individuals, communities, businesses, governments, and international organisations to unite and work towards a common goal. By changing our lifestyle, sharing knowledge and resources, and embracing sustainable practices, we can drive transformative changes to mitigate climate change and create a sustainable future.

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  • Champion: e-certificate and prize of €2,000
  • 1st runner-up: e-certificate and prize of €1,500
  • 2nd runner-up: e-certificate and prize of €1,000
  • Merit: e-certificate and prize of €150

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  • Any person aged 18 or above*, from any location, is eligible to participate.
  • Artwork Specifications
  • Must be original works relevant to the theme of the competition and submitted by participants on an individual basis.
  • Each participant may submit up to a maximum of three artworks.
  • The submitted artwork(s) must not have been previously published or used for any other purpose, and must not have been previously awarded or currently participating in other competition selections.
  • No signatures, words, symbols or pictures that identify the participants may be placed on the submitted artwork(s).
  • The artwork(s) must be in a flat image and created in colour.
  • The artwork(s) can be created using any medium, including painting, computer software, and mixed media. However, artworks generated by artificial intelligence are not accepted. The use of photographs and clip art is prohibited.
  • Should be in A3 size (297mm x 420mm), in either horizontal or vertical format.
  • Must be uploaded in JPG format, with a resolution of no less than 300 dpi, and the total size of each entry should be no more than 10MB.
  • Each artwork should be accompanied by a short description (minimum 30 words, maximum 100 words).

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