
A.G. McCready Memorial Scholarship

A.G. McCready Memorial Scholarship

Australia On going
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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Total reward
0 $
State University
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On going
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Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


Established in 1996 by Mrs I.C. McCready in memory of her late husband Alfred Glen McCready, who was admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Classics and awarded the University Medal for outstanding merit in 1940 and who lectured in Classics with the University of Queensland, 1946-49. The scholarship is maintained by the income of the fund established by a gift of $30,000 from Mrs I.C. McCready, Mr W.K. Lam and Dr L.L. Chan.

How to apply

This scholarship is not available by application.


School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry

Scholarship value : Annual income from endowment

Number awarded : 1

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