
AFREXIM Bank Fashion Program for Fashion Designers 2024

AFREXIM Bank Fashion Program for Fashion Designers 2024

for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

Association, Browse similar opportunities


31 Dec 2024
Opportunity funding
Partial funding
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Award or Grant Description $$  varies

African Export-Import Bank’s Creative Africa Nexus (CANEX) and Portugal’s National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) have launched a call for applications from Fashion Designers from Africa, the Caribbean, and the Diaspora to participate in the fifth edition of the flagship programme, CANEX Presents Africa @ Portugal Fashion, to take place in Porto, Portugal from 12 to 16 March 2024.

CANEX Presents Africa @ Portugal Fashion provides a platform for the development of emerging fashion designers, by supporting the transfer of skills through mentorship from industry experts, while providing market access opportunities, to boost production, sales and distribution.  The programme aims to equip participants with the skills that will enable them to create financially sustainable businesses with the potential to scale, as well as provide support with go-to-market and internationalisation strategies.

The programme has a blended format, mixing physical events with digital elements to enable linkages and partnerships. It is designed to support a generation of entry to mid-level talent, through a customized approach, to up-skill and individually support the development and recognition of talent.

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Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants should be based in Africa or in Diaspora (including the Caribbean).
  • Designers should have developed a strong signature style and able to compete at an international level.
  • Designers’ company must be registered, well established and have been in business for a minimum of 4 years.
  • This programme is open to menswear and womenswear designers.

Offered Benefits

  • It is designed to support a generation of entry to mid-level talent, through a customized approach, to up-skill and individually support the development and recognition of talent.

Application Process

  • The Application must be submitted to the review panel in electronic format.
  • The electronic submissions must be sent to:   with the SUBJECT line: “FIRST and LAST NAME, CANEX MARCH 2024 Application.”

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