
Betty Fletcher Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship

Betty Fletcher Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship

Australia 30 Apr 2021
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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State University
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30 Apr 2021
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Full funding
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The purpose of the Scholarship is to encourage and support undergraduate student(s) studying classics and ancient history in the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry, who are facing financial hardship.

Established in 2019 by Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc. under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative and maintained by income generated from the endowment fund. Alumni Friends of The University of Queensland Inc. dates back to 1967, when UQ sponsored the formation of an association to foster relationships with UQ alumni.

The Friends of Antiquity was established in 1988 as a special interest group to support Classics and Ancient History at UQ. Alumni Friends of Queensland Inc., on behalf of the Friends of Antiquity, donated funds in 2019 to establish the Betty Fletcher Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship.


An applicant is eligible for the Scholarship, if the applicant –

(a) can demonstrate financial need;

(b) submits an application to the Associate Dean, by the closing date for applications; and

(c) is enrolled full-time in a major, extended major or field of study in Ancient History, Ancient History/History, Ancient Greek, Latin, or Classical Languages.

How to apply

Complete and submit the online application form by Friday 30 April. 

Selection criteria

(1) For the selection process, the Associate Dean must establish a selection committee, comprising

(a) the Associate Dean, or nominee, as chair of the committee;

(b) the Head of the School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry or nominated representative; and

(c) an academic representative from the discipline of ancient history.

(2)  The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria –

(a)evidence of financial need;

(b)academic capability and future academic potential; and 

(c) any other evidence which may be deemed relevant to the applicant’s future success in their field of study.

Scholarship value : The value of the Scholarship will be at least $4,500 for each year that it is held.

Number awarded : 1

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