
Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Algeria 30 Nov 2024
University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia

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30 Nov 2024
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The Fully Funded KILLAM Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is available to applicants of any nationality. Established in memory of Izaak Walton Killam, the fellowship was created through the will of his wife, Dorothy Johnston Killam, along with her lifetime donations. The main goal of this fellowship is to promote advanced education and research at five Canadian universities and through the Canada Council for the Arts.

The UBC Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are given annually by the Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund for Advanced Studies and are accessible in most areas of study. It was Mrs. Killam’s wish that those chosen to receive fellowships would: Be inclined to encourage the development of learning or gain distinction in the industry.

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