
New Zealand Government Scholarships for International Students

New Zealand Government Scholarships for International Students

Foreign Affairs & Trade, New Zealand

Foreign Affairs & Trade, New Zealand

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Nonprofit organization
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Not funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions

The New Zealand Aid Programme invests money, knowledge, and skills to help deliver sustainable development and reduce poverty in developing countries. It also provides humanitarian support to save lives and relieve suffering resulting from natural disasters and conflict. New Zealand Government Scholarship is a full tertiary scholarship for eligible international students to study fulltime at a New Zealand education institution or a Pacific University.


With a full New Zealand Scholarship, scholars receive:

  • full tuition fees
  • Also, living allowance (a stipend) of NZ$491 per week. This will help with a scholar’s basic living expenses, but it is not enough to cover the living costs of any family members.
  • Further, an establishment allowance of NZ$3000. This is to help with set-up costs in New Zealand. For example, you can use it for accommodation expenses, textbooks, or other study materials.
  • Similarly. medical insurance when you are in New Zealand
  • Likewise, travel to and from your own country. This is for travel from your own country at the start of the scholarship, and for return travel at the end of your scholarship.
  • travel insurance
  • travel home during your scholarship (We allow for one or two trips home, depending on the length of your scholarship.)
  • Finally, help with research and thesis costs for many postgraduate students.


To apply for a New Zealand Government Scholarship, you must meet all of the eligibility criteria. You can complete the online questionnaire below to confirm whether you can apply.

The Eligibility questionnaire will check in detail if you meet all of the eligibility criteria. The Eligibility questionnaire will check things such as:

  • Which country you hold citizenship in
  • How long you have been living in your home country
  • How much work experience you have
  • Whether we provide scholarships to your country
  • Whether your intended study aligns to levels and sectors provided to your country

You must complete the eligibility questionnaire before you can apply for a Scholarship.

To apply for a full New Zealand Scholarship, you must be 18 years old or older when you start your scholarship.

You only need to apply for a student visa, if we offer you a New Zealand Government Scholarship and you accept that offer. But before you apply for a New Zealand Government Scholarship, we strongly recommend that you check the student visa requirements.

We expect scholars to contribute to their country’s social or economic development for two years after completing their scholarship study.

On their New Zealand Government Scholarships application form, applicants must describe how their previous work experience relates to their proposed courses or career. Postgraduate applicants or applicants who finished high school a few years ago must have the following work experience:

  • One year of full-time work experience (i.e. 30 hours or more per week), OR
  • Two years of part-time work experience (i.e. up to 29 hours per week)

As soon as a scholar accepts a New Zealand Government Scholarship, they must apply for a student visa on the relevant immigration website.

How to Apply?

Create a login to access New Zealand government Scholarship forms online

To access an online form for a New Zealand government department, first, you need to register online. This registration system is called RealMe. You will need a RealMe login (username and password) to access the online New Zealand Government Scholarship application form. You also need the same RealMe login to apply for a student visa if you get a scholarship.

Please remember your RealMe username and password. You need this login to view, edit and submit your New Zealand Government Scholarship application form.

Note: You will not need to verify your RealMe account with a post office. This is only necessary for New Zealanders.

Register with New Zealand Government Scholarships online application system

Use your eligibility code to register online with the New Zealand Government Scholarships online application system.

Complete and submit your application before the closing date

Use your RealMe login to access the New Zealand Government Scholarship online application system anytime between the opening and closing dates for your country.

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