
Canada Gairdner International Award

Canada Gairdner International Award

Algeria 01 Oct 2024


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01 Oct 2024
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The Canada Gairdner International Award recognizes outstanding researchers whose unique scientific contributions have increased the understanding of human biology and disease. The Gairdner Foundation invites the scientific community to nominate qualified researchers for this Award. Nominations in the field of translational research are welcome. The award is intended for seminal bodies of work, not cumulative lifetime achievement.

The Canada Gairdner Awards celebrate the world’s best biomedical and global health researchers through annual prestigious awards. Since 1957, 418 awards have been bestowed on laureates from over 40 countries, and of those awardees, 98 have gone on to receive Nobel Prizes.

Awards of Gairdner International Award

  • International Award winners receive a $100,000 prize, award citation and medal. They take part in Gairdner Week events and the annual Awards Gala in late October of each year, presenting and celebrating their awarded work.

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Eligibility for Gairdner International Award

Eligible nominee:

  • Is an exceptional, research-focused scientific investigator who has transformed the understanding of human biology and disease;
  • Has produced a distinct body of scientific research contributions, rather than a cumulative lifetime of work;
  • Can be co-nominated with equal contributors to the body of work or those who have made parallel discoveries.

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Nomination Elements include:

  • Nominee Details: Contact and basic professional information
  • Citation (Max. 150 words): 1-2 sentence statement identifying nominee’s distinct body of research.
  • Research Summary (Max. 1000 words): Summary of nominee’s nominated scientific body of work
  • Top Five: Top 5 publications related to the research summary, with a brief summary of the impact/importance
  • Short CV: 10-20 pages
  • Nominee in Context (Max. 1000 words): Contextualize the nominee’s body of work, including:
    • Impact on the trajectory or foundational understanding of their field
    • Other significant contributors or potential co-nominees for the work highlighted in the nomination
    • Clarification of their individual contributions within collaborative projects and publications.
  • Letter of Evaluation (3-5 letters, 2-3 pages): Letter writers should be familiar with the field, be able to provide objective evaluations of the candidate and their body of work, not just an endorsement, and should represent a range of stakeholders in the nominee’s professional sphere.

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