
Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival 2025

Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival 2025

Algeria 30 Apr 2025
Curtas Vila do Conde

Curtas Vila do Conde

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30 Apr 2025
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The 33rd Curtas Vila do Conde – International Film Festival is calling for new short films (produced in 2024 or to be produced in 2025) up to 60 minutes in length.

Eligible for submission are "animations, documentaries, fiction films, experimental films and music videos", in film (16mm and 35mm) or digital (DCP or video files).

The Festival is very competitive and each year awards are announced in thirteen (13) categories, five (5) of which are international.

Films can be submitted in the following competitions:

  • "International" (fiction, documentary and animation)
  • "Portuguese" (Portuguese films of fiction, documentary and animation)
  • "Experimental" (films that defy narrative and technical conventions)
  • "Curtinhas" (films for kids until 30 minutes)
  • "Music Videos" (music videos for Portuguese bands or artists, or directed by Portuguese authors until 30 minutes)
  • "Take One!" (films no longer than 30 minutes, directed by students enrolled in Portuguese higher education institutions or Portuguese students enrolled in film schools abroad)
  • "My Generation" (dedicated to teenagers, with films no longer than 30 minutes)

The 33rd Curtas Vila do Conde – International Film Festival is taking place from 12th to 20th of July 2025.

Curtas Vila do Conde is part of the OSCAR® Qualifying Film Festival List. The Grand Prix of the International Competition and the Award for Best Film of the Portuguese Competition are eligible for consideration in the categories of Best Animated/Fiction Short Film (Live Action) of The Academy Awards®, thus eliminating the need to be presented in commercial circuit in the USA, as long as they comply with the competition regulations.

Curtas Vila do Conde 2025 – Film Festival – Submission Fees

The submission fee is "16 EUR" by 31st December 2024 and "20 EUR" from 1st of January till 28th February 2025.

For entries submitted after 1st of March 2025, the fee is "25 EUR".

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