
Development Bank of Nigeria Entrepreneurship Training Programme

Development Bank of Nigeria Entrepreneurship Training Programme

Algeria 03 Nov 2024
Development Bank of Nigeria

Development Bank of Nigeria

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Nonprofit organization
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03 Nov 2024
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The Development Bank of Nigeria’s Entrepreneurship Training Programme focuses on building capacity for Nigerian MSMEs, aiding their formalization, growth, and bankability for easier credit access.

This year, they would be deploying the DBN Learning Management System (LMS)- a free learning portal with carefully curated self-paced courses. The portal is open to all Nigerian MSMEs who are interested in acquiring the right knowledge needed to succeed in doing business in Nigeria.

In addition, DBN will be selecting the best businesses to attend a face-to-face training. This physical session would be an opportunity for businesses to practically apply important principles to their various businesses, discuss and receive business support in specific areas of need. 


  • All businesses will be eligible to pitch their business value proposition and some businesses will be selected to receive grant funding.

Eligibility of DBN Entrepreneurship Training Programme

  • Owner of business must be 18 years and above
  • Business owner must be a citizen or legal resident of Nigeria
  • The business must be based in Nigeria
  • The business must be for profit from any sector
  • Applicant must be available to commit to the training schedule once accepted

Selection Criteria

  • Bankability – Level of readiness to access credit
  • Feasibility and Sustainability of the business model
  • Scalability – Demonstrates potential for growth of business to create jobs.

Application of DBN Entrepreneurship Training Programme

  • All applications must be submitted online through the application portal. Interested businesses must register on the DBN BizAid application and must complete a minimum of 4 mandatory courses on the BizAid Learning management platform and obtain an average score of 70%.
  • The courses that must be completed are:
    • Accounting & Bookkeeping,
    • Sustainability for MSMEs,
    • Marketing and Sales Techniques,
    • Credit Management/Access to Finance.
  • All businesses who have completed the 4 courses by September 23rd will receive an email with a link to apply for the face-to-face training.
  • Upon submission of the application form, an email confirming receipt will be sent to the applicant within a 24-hour period.
  • Applicants will be screened and shortlisted from the close of the application based on the eligibility criteria.
  • Selection will be carried out using the defined selection criteria from the pool of shortlisted applications.
  • Communication with successful applicants shall be by email to the email address provided and a phone call to the phone number provided on the application form.

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