
Donald Tugby Musicology Prize

Donald Tugby Musicology Prize

Australia On going
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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Dr Donald Tugby in 2013

Donald Tugby (1920-2015) was an alumnus and major supporter of UQ, having established prizes in biomedical sciences, archaeology, anthropology, psychology of peace, art history and musicology, veterinary science, and earth science. Collectively known as the Donald Tugby Renaissance Prize Endowment, these prizes are awarded annually for excellence in education and research in the nominated fields, and are a reflection of Dr Tugby’s passions, interests and professional expertise.

Dr Donald Tugby taught anthropology at The University of Queensland from 1958 to 1986, and was a member of the University Choir and an advisor on World Music to the School of Music. 



Students who –

(i) are enrolled in one of the following programs -

(A) Bachelor of Music (Honours);

(B) Bachelor of Arts (Honours), majoring in the field of music; and

(ii) have submitted a thesis on a topic in the field of musicology.

The Donald Tugby Musicology Prize is awarded each year to the Bachelor of Music (Honours) student with the highest overall mark in MUSC4500 (Music Thesis) with a minimum grade of 7 who has declared for the Musicology major.

How to apply

These scholarships are awarded to students on the basis of their academic results in specific courses. They do not require a separate application.

Selection criteria

The Donald Tugby Musicology Prize is awarded each year to the Bachelor of Music (Honours) student with the highest overall mark in MUSC4500 (Music Thesis) with a minimum grade of 7 who has declared for the Musicology major.


School of Music

Scholarship value : Money equal to the annual income from the fund allocated to this Prize.

Number awarded : 1

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