
EVS in Spain: Punt Jove 2024

EVS in Spain: Punt Jove 2024

Spain On going


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Scientific organisation
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On going
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Deadline: not specified
Open to: young people aged 18-30
Venue: January – August 2018, Tortosa – Catalonia, Spain


The main aim of Punt Jove is informing and helping young people so that they can choose the best options for their present and their future. It wants to create equal opportunities. Every year there are more youngsters that use its services what made the program grow.

The teamwork from Youth Department consists of two workers and, temporarily, there is additional staff working on youth programmes.

Volunteers’ tasks include:

  • Attention, information and training: help to direct public attention and to phone and electronic attention to users of the YIP and user trainings (visits, explanations, documentation and information research training);
  • Telecentre: registering users and to assistance to users in the use of new technologies;
  • Campaign to publicize the YIP in secondary schools and universities: Assist in the preparation of the talk; in the organization of the talks schedule and to perform it;
  • Administrative Tasks: Assist in writing letters, mailing, posters, registration control and monitoring of courses and activities, organization of training schedule, helping arrange the shelves, classify documents and organize the material;
  • Organisation of events: Assist in the tasks of organizing activities: conferences, concerts, lectures, workshops, exhibitions, competitions, festivals, tours, Christmas park, fairs, excursions, etc.;
  • Newsletter TORTOSA JOVE: Assist in the drafting, layout and mailing of the newsletter Tortosa Jove;
  • Art total project and Espai Jove: working with young people to develop different workshops;
  • Personal Project: prepare, present, find support, realize and evaluate his own initiative. The volunteer will be proposed to participate in off-hours activities some afternoon or evening or during the weekends, the volunteer will get back its free time before or after the activity;
  • Cooperation with the organization: telling tales in IES Cristófol Despuig in Sant Jordi party, and the Library of Tortosa for the day of the mother tongue or the day of the poetry;
  • Diffusion of volunteering opportunities, EVS and Erasmus Plus: create together with other EVS or former EVS volunteers and members of Obre’t’ebre, talks and/or theatre plays in formal and nonformal educative centres or cultural centres.

Also Punt Jove organizes projects and activities:

  • Activities for young people in the nature (walking, espeleology, kayac and ciclying);
  • Workshops in informal educational topics during the whole year aimed at youngsters;
  • The “Fira de la Solidaridad”, an event with seventeen entities and associations of the territory;
    participating, establishing activities such as storytelling to children, show puppets and live concerts.


  • We require an active volunteer, dynamic, with communication skills, empathetic, assertive and open to know people from different cultures and someone who does not get frustrated rapidly;
  • The main requirement is that you are motivated to learn and to take initiative. We value positively the interest and expertise in leisure, education, culture and social work with youth and children;
  • We require a basic level of Spanish language in order to integrate quickly and understand what to do;
  • The main purpose of the volunteers will be the attention to young people. They will give their support in the actions and planned projects for young people in the field of education of the values of coexistence, tolerance and solidarity;
  • The volunteers will offer their support and help in various activities required, but they may also develop their capacity of initiative in the projects that the may develop;
  • On the other hand, according to the demand of young people in the Youth Point, they could launch a project with the help of the youth worker, in order to promote the integration of young immigrants.


  • The volunteer will receive food allowance of 130 EUR per month;
  • The accommodation is in the city of Tortosa;
  • Facilities are shared with other volunteers participating in the project;
  • Each volunteer has a separate or shared room, depending on the circumstances;
  • The volunteer will receive a monthly allowance or pocket money of 105 EUR at the end of each month;
  • The working hours are maximum 35 hours per week;
  • The volunteer will receive 2 days off per month;
  • Volunteers will receive a language course in Spanish and Catalan language;
  • Travel expenses from home country to the venue of the project will be reimbursed.


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