
Fully Funded Australian Sugar Industry Scholarship 2025

Fully Funded Australian Sugar Industry Scholarship 2025

Australia 15 Mar 2025
Sugar Research Institute

Sugar Research Institute

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15 Mar 2025
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Full funding
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The Fully Funded Australian Sugar Industry Scholarship is open to Australians. It is offered for a Bachelor's degree in the field of Engineering, Science or Technical degree. The deadline for sending an application is 15 Mar 2025. This scholarship is provided by the Sugar Research Institute. 

The Australian Sugar Industry Scholarship aims to encourage the participation of high-caliber students in the Australian sugar processing industry.

The Australian sugar industry will fund scholarship recipients each year to be hosted by Australian sugar mills and refineries for up to three work placements of four weeks duration each over one and half calendar years (two placements during the crushing season and one placement during the maintenance season).

The scholarship is jointly funded by Australia’s sugar mills through the Sugar Research Institute (SRI) and Sugar Research Australia (SRA).

In addition to financial and work placement support, the Australian Sugar Industry Scholarship program helps recipients to make the most of their university experience through extra development opportunities by building their leadership skills and professional networks.

  • Paid work placement at the industry rate
  • Living away allowance of $250 per week.

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