
Fully Funded fellowships for leaders from around the world by Rotary International

Fully Funded fellowships for leaders from around the world by Rotary International

United Kingdom 16 May 2024
Rotary International

Rotary International

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Nonprofit organization
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16 May 2024
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions
Rotary International is offering Funded fellowships for leaders from around the world with work experience in peace and development.

Fellowship Programs:

Master’s degree programs

  • Accepted candidates study peace and development issues.
  • The programs last 15 to 24 months
  • And include a two- to three-month field study, which participants design themselves.

Professional development certificate program

  • The programs last one-year
  • Gain practical skills to promote peace within their communities and regions.
  • Fellows complete field studies and design and carry out a social change initiative.
  • This program is intended for working professionals.
  • Fellows earn a post-graduate diploma upon completion of the program.

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