
Funded Harvard University Asia Confrence 2024 (HPAIR)

Funded Harvard University Asia Confrence 2024 (HPAIR)

Kazakhstan On going
Mina7 conferences

Mina7 conferences

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The Harvard College Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR) was founded in 1991 to create a forum of exchange for students and young professionals. Further, to discuss and learn about the most important economic, political, and social issues. Since 1991, HPAIR has organized 43 conferences in 12 different host countries, touching the lives of more than 10,000 students and young professionals. HPAIR hosts two student-led conferences a year one on Harvards campus and one in the Asia-Pacific. Prospective host cities in Asia must undergo an intensive, six-month bidding process; this years Asia Conference will be in Nur-Sultan, HPAIRs first conference in Central Asia.

Asia Conference 2019

This years HPAIR Asia Conference will be in Nur-Sultan (formerly Astana), Kazakhstans dynamic capital city.

Central Asia is a thriving and dynamic region, and Nur-Sultan is leading it forward. As the former host city of the World Expo 2017 and the future host city of the WTO Ministerial Conference 2020. Nur-Sultan is positioned as Central Asias burgeoning hub of international diplomacy, trade, and cultural exchange. HPAIR is now part of this historic moment.

Conference Programming


It is not only actively shaping many aspects of our personal lives but is also changing how companies adapt. Additionally,  both large and small, must adapt and innovate to stay competitive. Globalization has increased its significance even more. Also, the role of digitalization has deep implications on the future of our planet.

Digitalization has the potential to bring an immense amount of growth to humanity, but also to bring chaos into the order we built. HPAIR delegates will discuss and debate how digitalization is changing societies across Asia by assessing the challenges and opportunities it brings.


It is the main constitutive element shaping societies across the world. It is at once a bond that keeps nations at peace and a cause for strife and disruption. Our culture is our humanity. Traditions, languages, cuisines, beliefs;  But with a global world, can they remain?

A nuanced understanding of cultures crucial role in society is vitally important towards building a sustainable future for humanity. HPAIR aims to bring together delegates from various cultural, geographical, and personal backgrounds to contribute to a fruitful exchange of cultural identities.

Provider: Harvard College Project for Asian and International Relations

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