
International Conference on Global Food Security 2024 in France

International Conference on Global Food Security 2024 in France

France On going
Mina7 conferences

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International Conference on Global Food Security 2020 is the 4th session of the conference. The conference addresses the topic of food security at all spatial levels from local to global, and from an interdisciplinary and systemic food systems perspective. Likewise, it aims to better understand environmental, nutritional, agricultural, demographic, socio-economic, political, technological and institutional drivers, costs and outcomes of current and future food security. Moreover, interactions with contextual factors including climate change, urbanisation, greening the economy and data-driven technologies will be central.

The conference addresses the triple burden of malnutrition: hunger, micronutrient deficiencies and obesity. Above all, it aims to reconcile the competing environmental, economic or social objectives and outcomes towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at different levels across spatial and temporal scales.


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Provider: ELSEVIER

Related keywords : 4th international conference on global food security, conference, conferences, elsevier, france, international conference on global food security, international conference on global food security 2020, opportunities, opportunity,

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