
International Research Agendas Scholarships in Poland

International Research Agendas Scholarships in Poland

Poland On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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On going
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Award or Grant Description $$  stipends

Foundation for Polish Science is now helping qualified students fund their studies by making available a mind-blowing International Research Agendas Scholarships programe.

The International Research Agendas programme provides support for specialized, independent research units in Poland which will pursue international research agendas in strategic cooperation with renowned scientific institutions from other countries.

Founded in 1991, Foundation for Polish Science is a non-governmental, non-political, non-profit institution that pursues the mission of supporting science. It is the largest source of science funding in Poland outside of the state budget.

Why should you apply for this programme? The Foundation pays special attention to the transparency and openness of its operations, regarding this as the foundation for building the society’s trust in the Foundation and in the entire NGO sector.

Application Deadline: Open

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Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: Applications are accepted from around the world
  • Eligible Course or Subjects: The sponsorship will be awarded in any subject offered by the university
  • Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the given criteria:
  • The applicant can be a citizen of Poland or any other country, including from outside the European Union.

Offered Benefits

The Foundation will provide support and assistance throughout the application and implementation period.

Application Process

  • How to Apply: Applicants must have to submit the documents and follow the application procedure.
  • Supporting Documents: Documents confirming the profile of the applicant (incl. downloadable templates for list of achievements and list of invited talks and list of funded projects), An outline of the international research agenda, a letter of intent from the foreign partner, a short description of the legal status and organizational structure of the IRAP center, Letters of intent from local partner institutions,Description of socio-economic impact
  • Admission Requirements: Applications should be submitted by distinguished researchers with significant scientific/scholarly achievements complemented by considerable managerial experience.
  • Language Requirement: Applicants must be proficient in written and spoken the English language.

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