
IUBH - Women in Tech Scholarships, Germany

IUBH - Women in Tech Scholarships, Germany

Germany On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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Award or Grant Description $$  € 15,000

100 full and partial scholarships for women

The IUBH International University would like to give women more support when starting a technical career in the future and thus reduce the gender pay gap between the genders: It awards 100 grants exclusively to women for all technology-oriented courses of the IUBH distance learning. Including 10 full scholarships and 90 partial scholarships (50%).

The new IUBH distance learning scholarships are aimed in particular at women who are already working or who are currently on parental leave - and who would like to be more involved in the technological developments that are changing the world. "We want to motivate women to advance their careers alongside the challenges of everyday life - and at the same time achieve more female presence in male-dominated industries," said Dr. Carmen Thoma, Chief Operating Officer in the IUBH distance learning.

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Eligibility Criteria

Bachelor degrees
  • BA architecture
  • B.Eng. Civil engineering
  • B.Sc. Data science
  • BA Digital Business
  • B.Sc. Nutritional science
  • B.Sc. Computer science
  • B.Sc. Media informatics
  • B.Sc. business Informatics
  • B.Eng. Industrial engineering
Masters courses
  • M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence
  • M.Sc. Computer Science in IT Security
  • M.Sc. Data science
  • MA IT Management
  • M.Sc. business Informatics
  • MBA Clinical Research Management

Offered Benefits

With the scholarship program, the IUBH would like to support women in technical professions, promote equality for women and make technology-related courses more attractive. It awards 100 grants exclusively to women for all technology-oriented courses of the IUBH distance learning. Including 10 full scholarships and 90 partial scholarships (50%).

Application Process

Apply at www.iubh-stipendium.de

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