
Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards 2024

Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards 2024

Algeria 03 Nov 2024
Arrell Food Institute

Arrell Food Institute

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03 Nov 2024
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The Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards 2024 recognize global excellence in the broad area of food innovation and community impact.

In 2024, two awards will be given:

  • Research Impact: This award will recognize a researcher, or group of researchers, who has advanced understanding of food production, processing, distribution, consumption, safety and/or human nutrition, with a significant benefit to food systems or wider society.
    • Likely themes include: food science, the environmental impact of agriculture, crop or livestock genetics, agro-ecology, soil health, food animal health and production, pest management, supply chain management, food processing, food packaging, food safety, food consumption, human nutrition, food retail/marketing. The adjudication committee seeks contributions at the highest level. Nomination packages will be reviewed in the context of the nominee’s career stage or maturity of the group. Earlier career individuals and recently instigated projects are not expected to have reached the status of long standing, established individuals and groups.
  • Community Impact: This award will recognize an individual, or group of individuals, who has contributed to improved nutritional health and/or food security, with a focus on strengthening disadvantaged communities.
    • Likely themes include: food sovereignty, food production, food distribution/access, food insecurity, community development and governance, household nutrition, urban poverty, traditional food systems, socioeconomic policy, empowerment of under-served communities, food and nutrition literacy.

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The Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards come with the following terms:

  • Each of the two prizes will be worth $125,000 CAD comprising a $100,000 cash award for the personal use of recipients and up to $25,000 per award for travel and Page 2 of 3 accommodation of the recipients, administered by the Arrell Food Institute at the University of Guelph.
  • An award citation and a commemorative item will also be presented.
  • Recipients are expected to participate in a program of events. In particular, award recipients may be asked to attend the next Arrell Food Summit and other engagements.

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  • Citizens of any country are eligible for nomination, with no restrictions on gender, race, religion, creed or residency.
  • Nominations may come from private companies, academic institutions, governmental units, charitable foundations, and not-for-profit organizations. In the case of multiple nominations from a single organization, only the one with the latest date will be accepted.

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The criteria for awarding the Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards are as follows:

  • The individual or group being nominated will have made exceptionally significant and documented contributions to either our scientific understanding related to food production, distribution and sales, or human nutrition/consumption; and/or at the community level in markedly improving nutrition, including access to, or distribution of
  • The nomination package must clearly demonstrate how the individual or group being nominated played a critical leadership role in achieving the above noted contributions.
  • The nomination package should not be a proposal or a request for funding.
  • Recipients must be able to attend the award ceremony and ancillary events.

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In total, nomination packages must be no longer than 15 pages and presented as one document in portrait or landscape format. Cover emails will not be considered by the adjudicators.

All documents must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. ET on March 5, 2024 in Adobe (.pdf) format to and this is also the address for any inquiries.

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