
PRIX {virginia} 2024 †International Photography Prize for Women

PRIX {virginia} 2024 †International Photography Prize for Women

Algeria 31 Oct 2024
Association SYLVIA S.

Association SYLVIA S.

Nonprofit organization, Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
Host Country
31 Oct 2024
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Not funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions

Posted on 10 January 2024

7 May 2024

Who may enter
The competition is open to women photographers, regardless of their nationality or age.

Short description

The competition is organized every two years by the Association SYLVIA S. from Paris, France.

Each candidate must submit 12 - 18 photographs on any subject (one cohesive body of work rather than single images).

Photos submitted to the Virginia Prize must never have been exhibited in France.

Entry fees
The competition is free to enter.


The winner will receive a cash prize of 10,000 ₏.

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.

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