
SJI International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Scholarship in Singapore

SJI International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Scholarship in Singapore

St Joseph's Institution International

St Joseph's Institution International

State University, Browse similar opportunities


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0 $
State University
On going
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Partial funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions

Scholarship Description:

SJI International offers a holistic and balanced education that nurtures students to learn how to learn and learn how to live to be people of integrity and people for others. The school prepares students for the 2-year International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) examinations.

Through the Scholarship Programme, we seek to provide an opportunity for outstanding and suitable students to access the high-quality education SJI International provides. We are thus looking for young school leaders who can demonstrate excellent quality of mind, enthusiastic participation in non-academic activities, positive personal qualities and strong communication abilities. All applications will be reviewed and only shortlisted candidates will be invited for testing. The scholarship test will consist of a Maths Test (1 hour), an English Test (1 hour) and a CEM Baseline Test (1 hour).

Thomson Road, Singapore, 298191Elementary School: 
(+65) 6871 5202High School: (+65) 6353 9383

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Chinese scholarships for international students Domestic Students, International Students International Students Japan International Students, Domestic Students International Students UK Students UK and EU Students, International Students International Students Indonesia International Students, Domestic Students Canadian and US. International Students East Asia International Students United States International Students Nationalities specified by MEXT. International Students . International Students Only two international scholarship awards are available.