
Negotiating Agreement Congress Research Grants

Negotiating Agreement Congress Research Grants

Social Science Research council (SSRC)

Social Science Research council (SSRC)

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Deadline: 15 September 2017
Open to: US citizens or non-citizens
Grants: 10,000 USD of funding to be used for up to one year of research and writing


Processes of negotiating agreement in Congress are under great stress, yet we know very little about the mechanisms, challenges, and remedies for this problem. Building on the Anxieties of Democracy program’s current work and the Social Science Research Council’s commitment to forging scholarly interactions across disciplines on critical present-day challenges, the goal of the Negotiating Agreement in Congress Research Grants initiative is to provide resources for scholars with diverse sets of expertise to probe this vital issue.


All applicants are required to meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must have a PhD and may be from in any discipline within the social sciences or humanities;
  • Applicants may be US citizens or non-citizens;
  • Applicants at any stage of their postdoctoral research careers (junior, midcareer, and senior scholars) are welcome to apply;
  • Applicants must be available in October 2018 to participate in a workshop in Brooklyn, NY.


The Negotiating Agreement in Congress Research Grants provide up to 10,000 USD of funding to be used for up to one year of research and writing.

  • Grants are intended to support the research of the individual applicant;
  • Grantees will be notified of their awards in November 2017. The grant term begins in December 2017 and concludes in December 2018;
  • Grantees are expected to submit an interim and final report, and present their works-in-progress at a Council-sponsored workshop in October 2018.


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