
The Freedom Prize 2024 in France

The Freedom Prize 2024 in France

France On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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From June 2018, the Normandy Region, in partnership with the academic authorities and the International Institute of Human Rights and Peace, will create a new international peace, freedom and human rights education scheme: the Freedom Prize.

Focused on the meaning and values of the Allied landings, the Freedom Prize gives young people all over the world the opportunity to choose an exemplary public figure or organization, committed to the fight for freedom. Moreover, the Freedom Prize pays homage to all those who fought and continue to fight for this ideal.

It is an educational initiative in 3 stages which encourages young people’s involvement throughout the entire process, either as part of their education and training or in their own time. As part of its educational aim, focused on remembrance, the Freedom Prize can also be part of teachers’ and trainers’ educational projects, responding to the various objectives of the school curriculum and adapting easily to multidisciplinary work.

It consists of activities which could encourage educational projects to be coordinated by teachers and tutors.


The winner of the Freedom Prize will be chosen from the three finalists chosen by the panel of judges, after a digital vote.

The Prize includes prize money of €25,000 for the winner. The winner of the Freedom Prize or one of his/her representatives will be invited to the prize-giving ceremony for the Freedom Prize which will be held in Normandy in June 2019 as part of the Normandy World Peace Forum.

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Provider: Region Normandie

Contact provider: 02 31 06 98 98

Related keywords : exchange programs, opportinities for students, opportunities, opportunities for students, opportunities for youth, opportunities for youths, opportunity, opportunity for students, opportunity for youths, the freedom prize,

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