
The Moroccan-Youth Debate Camp 2017 in Morocco

The Moroccan-Youth Debate Camp 2017 in Morocco

Morocco On going


Total reward
0 $
Host Country
On going
Study level
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Full funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


  • Experience in MUN, Public Speaking and/or Debate competitions with our 3 years experience in hosting highly successful camps.
  • The camp truly has been a life-changing experience for the students who attend.
  • They accept Moroccan and international as well as offer two full scholarships per year.
  • The camp focuses on the World Schools Style (WSS) Debate Style, Public Speaking, Model United Nations (MUN), Diplomacy and Leadership.
  • Their week-long camp has lectures, exercises, workshops, social activities and a tournament on the last day to put those new skills into action. The camp will also select and reward the top 3 speakers of the tournament and the winner of the debate tournament.


  • Middle Schoolers Group: 10-13 years of age .
  • High Schoolers Group: 13-19 years of age (If 13 and in high school).
  • University Group: 18-22 years of age .
Eligible Regions: Open for All.

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