
Trans-disciplinary Innovation Program 2024 in Palestine

Trans-disciplinary Innovation Program 2024 in Palestine

Palestine On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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Trans-disciplinary Innovation Program 2018

TIP was founded on 2015 by the Faculty of Science of The Hebrew University of Jerhttps://mina7portal.com/en/country/24,usalem, to educate exceptional international fellows about advanced technologies. Since then, 40 fellows from 16 countries have graduated the program and went on to use the knowledge they acquired to shape their future. Either our alumni work in a corporate, a startup, purchasing an academic degree or start their own venture, they understand the basics of each technology they study with us, know what the technology frontier is and able to use this knowledge for their success. Some of our alumni choose to take their TIP Graduation Project further, and there are now startups in China, Brazil and Palestine, that were founded at TIP, raised funding and are now managed by TIP alumni.

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Provider: Trans-disciplinary Innovation Program

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