
VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes in Belgium, 2024

VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes in Belgium, 2024

Belgium On going
for9a Mina7

for9a Mina7

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Application for the VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes in Belgium is now open. The International Training Programmes (ITP) are short to medium-term, intensive, interactive, and practical trainings organised at a university or university college in Belgium/Flanders. 12 scholarships per ITP programme are provided. Application deadline varies per institutions.

The training programmes are selected by a commission of experts and the topics can differ from year to year. For 2020 the program have a selection of 9 training programmes focusing on a variety of topics as shown below.

Program Details

  • Host Institution: Partner Institutions in Flanders (Belgium).
  • Field of Study: Focus topics below.
  • Number of awards: 12 per programme.
  • Duration: Applicant’s programme duration.
  • Target group: Open to citizens of following countries: Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Guinea, Cameroon, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, South Africa); Asia (Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, Palestinian Territories, Vietnam); Latin America (Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru).

VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes Benefits

Selected candidates for the VLIR-UOS Training Programme will be provided with the following benefits:

  1. Allowance of 1400 EUR per month for a stay over one month and up to 6 months;
  2. Indirect travel costs 150 EUR (One-time payment);
  3. Programme related travel costs (One-time payment);
  4. Insurance;
  5. Airline ticket: 1 return ticket, economy class;
  6. Tuition fees.

VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes Eligibility

In order to apply for the VLIR-UOS Training Programme, applicants must meet following profile:

  • be both a national and a resident of one of the 31 eligible countries (not necessarily the same country) at the time of the application.
  • Priority is given to candidates who are employed in academic institutions, research institutes, governments, the social economy or NGOs, or to those who aim to have a career in one of these sectors. The training candidate should have relevant professional experience and a support letter confirming (re)integration in a professional context where the acquired knowledge and skills will be immediately applicable.
  • Candidates working in a university where VLIR-UOS already fund IUC, TEAM or SI projects, can receive an ITP-ICP scholarship if they clearly motivate the reason of their application and clarify why the participation at the ITP programme cannot be funded as part of the existing IUC, Team or SI programme or project funds.
  • A potential candidate can only submit one scholarship application per year – irrespective of the scholarship type – and can, therefore, only be selected for one VLIR-UOS scholarship every year. Candidates who already received one of the scholarships to participate in another ITP, will not be eligible. 
  • Candidates who already received one scholarship to participate in an ICP (or vice versa) can only be selected if the previously attended course is thematically linked to the ITP.

Focus Topics

The program have a selection of nine training programmes focusing on a variety of topics as follow:

  1. Sustainable Development and Global Justice (University of Antwerp);
  2. Modern breeding techniques for maize (Ghent University);
  3. International training on Epidemiology, Bio-statistics and Qualitative research methods (University of Antwerp);
  4. International Module for Spatial Development Planning (KU Leuven);
  5. Summer School for Strengthening Diagnostic and Stewardship capacity for Teaching Hospitals (University of Antwerp);
  6. Clinical Nutrition – from practice to research questions (KU Leuven);
  7. A Circular Coaching Program Bridging the Sustainability Needs of Entrepreneurs (University of Hasselt);
  8. Platform development for an E-learning system in Bio-statistics/Statistics (University of Hasselt);
  9. Empowering Vulnerable Children and Young People (UCLL).

Application instructions

Interested applicants who would like to apply for the VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes must follow instructions below.

Find an eligible ITP programs that meet your interest and apply for it. Guidelines are provided on respective programme´s website.

The deadline for submitting application varies per institution. Please check the ITP programs list, for precise deadlines. For more detail on the VLIR-UOS International Training Programmes, please visit the official page.

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