
Volunteering in Yerevan: WWF- World Wide Fund for Nature Armenian Branch 2024

Volunteering in Yerevan: WWF- World Wide Fund for Nature Armenian Branch 2024

Armenia 31 Jan 2024
Volunteering Mina7

Volunteering Mina7

Nonprofit organization (France), Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
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31 Jan 2024
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Partial funding
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Date start: 01 Aug 2024

Date end: 31 Aug 2025

WWF has started to operate in Armenia since 2002. The main priority areas of the organization is the development and strengthening of protected areas of Armenia, the conservation of threatened species, the conservation and restoration of ecosystem,to promote sustainable use of natural resources and support in promotion of environmental awareness and education. Main tasks of the volunteer will be: assisting in Eco-Trail mapping, Eco-Routes management, biodiversity monitoring together with caretakers, data coordination and analysis from the camera traps.In the beginning the volunteer will spend initial 1-2 months at WWF office, where he/she will get acquainted with WWF's projects, will participate in trainings on the field work and get instructions on how to use related equipment and software. The project is organised by the support the HUJ-Voluntary Service of Armenia. The project will host one host one volunteer. Duration of the project is 8-12 months.

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