
Volunteering in Sighisoara: Individual Long Term Volunteering in Sighisoara and Saschiz, Romania 2024

Volunteering in Sighisoara: Individual Long Term Volunteering in Sighisoara and Saschiz, Romania 2024

Romania 01 Sep 2024
Volunteering Mina7

Volunteering Mina7

Nonprofit organization (France), Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
Host Country
01 Sep 2024
Study level
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Opportunity funding
Partial funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions

Date start: 01 Oct 2024

Date end: 30 Apr 2025

We are looking for 19 international young people to become our volunteers and help us develop the planned activities for 2024 – 2025in Sighisoara and Saschiz communities. This position is for you if YOU would like to: experience Transylvania region, work in an international safe environment where nothing is wrong – nothing is right, live on your own with all the basic needs covered. CEVOS and AUM associations are working together in order to create a better environment for the local communities and the new generations and to succeed we need YOU to bring new energies, vibes and ideas! Please check the Info Pack for details ............ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1plxX1ML6nczUMwGbNhQO0BUBFFbNG7BW/view?usp=sharing.......... and don't wait too much because this is just an AMAZING opportunity and is really wanted!!! A group of Senior 3 volunteers is waiting for you in Sighisoara!

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