
Webster Nolan Fund Scholarship

Webster Nolan Fund Scholarship

Australia 28 Mar 2025
The University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne

Nonprofit organization (Australia), Browse similar opportunities


Total reward
At least $4,500
Nonprofit organization
Host Country
28 Mar 2025
Study level
Opportunity type
Opportunity funding
Partial funding
Eligible Countries
This opportunity is destined for all countries
Eligible Region
All Regions


This scholarship supports students starting a three-year degree in classical voice studies who live more than 50 kilometres outside Melbourne and are in financial need. It is open for application triennially (next expected to be in 2025).

Study area: Music, visual and performing arts

Award amount: At least $4,500

Application status and date: Applications opening 14 Feb 2025

Study level: Undergraduate

Faculty: Fine Arts and Music

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Music, visual and performing arts Scholarships in Australia Study in Australia Scholarships Financial Aid for Students in Australia