
Free online competition to win

Generations: Global Grant - Student Competitions 2023-24

Category: Prize type: CashRegion: GlobalEligibility: Open to everyonePrize: Value: Variable, with a cap of 100000 USD per team or individual.WE BELIEVE IN A FUTURE WHERE CHILD ABUSE IS HISTORY. Even within welfare and criminal justice systems, child and youth abuse can be more prevalent than what is visible in mainstream media. Youth and children are often sidelined in building solutions for the next generation. Our hope is that this grant will be accessible for individuals regardless of age, (1 ...

Toyota Logistic Design Competition - Student Competitions 2023-24

Category: Design/ArchitecturePrize type: CashRegion: GlobalEligibility: Prize: The winner in each of the 3 categories will get a cash prize of 5,500 euros, in addition, there are internship opportunities at Toyota group companies.The challenge this time around is promoting circular economy through logistics and mobility. Possibly a bigger challenge than in any of our previous competitions. Which means traditional design submissions are simply not going to be enough. You need to widen your scope1 ...

International Management & Business awards - Student Competitions 2023-24

Category: BusinessPrize type: Other awardRegion: GlobalEligibility: Open to everyonePrize: IMBA prizes: Trophy – symbol of excellence, Winner Badges – emblem of achievement, Certificate – proof of success. Prestige, visibility, morale boost, networking, publications.The International Management & Business Awards (IMBA) is a prestigious global competition that recognizes and celebrates excellence in management and business practices across various industries. It serves as a platform to honor1 ...

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