
How to find a thesis supervisor in France

Published in 18 May 2020 by @Labidi_Sabrine

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To register for a doctoral thesis, you must certainly find a thesis supervisor in France.

To register for a doctoral thesis, you must certainly find a thesis supervisor in France. This is not an easy task, finding a teacher to supervise you requires a lot of attention. 

The question now is: where to start? :

  1. Search in the theses directories in France: First of all you have to start your search with the thesis directories in France. A good example is the site http://theses.fr/. You can filter your research. If you are doing a thesis in physical sciences, you put in the search field the keywords related to your research. You will find an exhaustive list of thesis supervisors who have already supervised such work. 
  2. You can find a thesis supervisor in France by consulting the scientific articles in French related to your research topic, in the majority of cases a doctoral student publishes an article in French with his thesis supervisor during the supervision period. One of the most famous online publishing house of scientific articles in French is Cairn.
  3. Apply for doctoral scholarship programs: In the majority of cases, this scholarship program is looking for candidates who will submit their thesis projects to an entire committee made up of professors from the university. The selected candidate will be part of a research unit or research laboratory.
  4. Submit your resources when applying: In order to increase the chance of being accepted by the teacher contacted, you can explain how you will finance your studies. You already have a scholarship from your country of origin, you already work in the country where you intend to register for your thesis, you work part-time etc.
  5. Ask a teacher for a recommendation: The majority of professors attend conferences abroad and know many professors. So if you are looking for a thesis supervisor, ask a trusted teacher and willing to help you. 
  6. Partnerships and exchanges between universities: another effective method is also to look at exchange programs with other French universities and this is whether in master’s or doctoral studies. The chance of being selected is very high. I know of students who have participated in master’s thesis exchange programs and who have been able to enrol in the same university with the same professor.
    This is a list of tips you need to follow in your thesis research.

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