
How to write a letter of complaint

Published in 14 Jul 2020 by @Labidi_Sabrine

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It is important to follow certain steps in order to write a complaint letter.

Paragraph 1 - reason for writing
Main Body
Paragraphs 2-3 - complaint(s) and justification
Final Paragraph - suggested action to be taken, Closing remarks
Full name
- Letter of complaint is normally written in a formal style.
- Letters should start with an appropriate greeting (e.g. Dear Sir, Dear Brown, etc)
- Mild or strong language can be used depending on the feelings of the writer or the
seriousness of the complaint, but abusive language must never be used
- You should state the reason for the complaint in the first paragraph
- Start a new paragraph for each different aspect of the topic
- Any complaints you make should be supported with a justification
- Complaints and justification can be linked with appropriate linking words and phrases
Useful language for Letters of Complaint
Opening Remarks:
- I am writing to complain about/regarding/on account of/because of/on the subject of...
- I am writing to draw your attention to...
- I am writing in connection with...
- I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with...
- I am afraid to say I have numbers of complaints about...
- I am sorry to say that I was very disappointed with...
- I was appalled at...
- I feel I must protest/complain about...
Useful phrases:
- We ought to discuss the matter...
- To make matters worse...
- I was very disappointed to find that...
- I would be grateful if you could...
- I should have been informed that...
- The first problem was... Another problem was... The most visible problem...
- I hope you will understand that I was very dissatisfied...
- I believe you can appreciate how disappointed I was when...
Linking words:
- Even though, however, furthermore, firstly, finally etc.
Closing Remarks:
- I would like to hear your explanation for the above problems...
- I would therefore be grateful if you could give me a full refund...
- I would like a full refund as soon as possible...
- I would like to have all or part of my money refunded...
- I am not satisfied with...
- I hope/assume you will replace...
- I trust the situation will improve...
- I hope the matter will be resolved...
- I hope we can sort this matter out amicably
- I look forward to hearing from you in your earliest convenience to offer me a complete refund
- I feel I am entitled to a partial refund in addition to an apology for the inconvenience caused
- I insist you replace the item at once...
- I demand a full refund...
- I hope that I will not be forced to take further action
- I look forward to hearing your early reply
- I look forward to receiving a prompt reply

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