
Volunteering in Cento (FE): Beyond Disability 2023 2024

Volunteering in Cento (FE): Beyond Disability 2023 2024

Italy 30 Sep 2024
Volunteering Mina7

Volunteering Mina7

Nonprofit organization (France), Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
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30 Sep 2024
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Partial funding
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Date start: 01 Sep 2024

Date end: 31 Oct 2025

The Don Giovanni Zanandrea ONLUS Foundation was founded in 1918 in the Municipality of Cento (FE), a municipality of 36,000 inhabitants in the Emilia Romagna Region. From the very beginning, the ZANANDREA was aimed to answer the most urgent needs of the fragile population of its territory. Since 1984 ZANANDREA has been working in the field of disability managing a day center, named Pilacà, wich assists people with physical and cognitive disabilities, including severe ones, through an educational and assistance approach, provides health care and pedagogical and psychological support through Non-Formal educational activities, promotes the acquisition and maintenance of autonomy and supports families in the shared management of the disabled relatives. ZANANDREA hosts a CSO, a protected laboratory that aims to facilitate the insertion into the labor market of peolple with disability. Since this year we also started a pilot project about independent living for people with disability

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