
Volunteering in Cambados: İspanya'da Kısa Dönem Gönüllülük 2024

Volunteering in Cambados: İspanya'da Kısa Dönem Gönüllülük 2024

Spain 30 Sep 2024
Volunteering Mina7

Volunteering Mina7

Nonprofit organization (France), Browse similar opportunities


Nonprofit organization
Host Country
30 Sep 2024
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Opportunity funding
Partial funding
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This opportunity is destined for all countries
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All Regions

Date start: 01 Mar 2024

Date end: 31 Oct 2024

The starting point of our project is to add a European element to our local activities and to provide information and opportunities for young people. As an association we carry out many activities in our province. In this context our aims are: -Adding a European element to our volunteering work. - Increasing the quality of our youth information activities. -Providing opportunities. - Fighting discrimination against women, youth and disabled people and removing obstacles for equal opportunities and participation in social and economic life

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