
Dick Sutton Scholarship in Veterinary Science

Dick Sutton Scholarship in Veterinary Science

Australia 23 Sep 2024
The university of Queensland Australia

The university of Queensland Australia

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23 Sep 2024
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Opportunity funding
Full funding
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All Regions
Enrolment status: Current UQ student
Student type: Domestic, International
Study level: Undergraduate
Study level: Agriculture and animal sciences
Scholarship focus: Financial hardship, Rural or remote
Scholarship value: At least 4,500
Scholarship duration: 1 year
Number awarded: 1
Applications open: 26 August 2024


You are eligible, if you: 

  1. submit an application by the closing date for applications;
  2. is enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Honours)
  3. can demonstrate and provide documentary evidence of financial hardship.

Selection criteria:

We’ll consider:

  1. evidence of financial hardship;
  2. strength of personal qualities as evidenced by application;
  3. academic achievement; and
  4. any other matter that the selection committee considers to be relevant to the applicant’s future success in their field of study.

Where all other considerations are equal, preference will be given to applicants who: 

  1. are domestic students from a Regional, Rural or Remote area of Australia; or
  2. are current residents of New Zealand.

About this scholarship:

Established in 2023 by the generous gift of Associate Professor Peter Sutton in memory of his father, the late Dr Richard (Dick) Sutton, who spent 27 years of his career teaching veterinary pathology at UQ from 1979 until his retirement in 2005.  He was Deputy Dean of UQ’s School of Veterinary Sciences from 1985 until 1990. The scholarship is established under the Create Change Scholarship Match Initiative and maintained by income generated from the endowment fund.

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